My Approach

Honesty, Authenticity, and the Rest Will Follow
I can find the exact moment, like the Big Bang of my life, when things started to trend upward for me. While nutrition, exercise, therapy, and self-exploration are all a part of the equation, this moment predates all of them. It was the day I decided to start living my life in total and complete honesty; full commitment to being and honoring exactly who I am. And not without fear, because of course I was afraid. Would people still like me if I didn't become whoever they needed me to be in every situation? Would people think I was selfish if every once in awhile I found it ok to prioritize my needs over theirs? Would I lose some friends along the way? The answers to those questions are:
Of course; they not only like me, but they understand me more and my relationships are stronger now.
Maybe, sometimes, and that's ok. Like they've told all of us on every flight since commercial plane travel was invented, "You have to put your own mask on first before assisting others."
Yes, and that's also ok, too. The people that matter were so supportive of this journey, my heart is still eating off of the love and kindness shown to me back then.
Coaching Methodology
So, on top of providing you an entire tool belt full of tools to use to feel better physically, I am here to help you improve your quality of life with the assistance of the lessons I’ve learned about the power of operating honestly as your most authentic self. The desire to change the things that are not serving you and the concept of acceptance-of-self are not mutually exclusive. They are the celebrity power couple of fulfillment and I am TMZ; here to keep a spotlight shining on them.